I’ve tried a lot of dairy substitutes and Kite Hill is the closest to the real thing that you’re going to find. It’s light, smooth and creamy and melts just like cream cheese. So how does the packaging stack up?
I love the the use of fresh colors with a minimalist approach. Often times contemporary food packaging, such as this, lacks appetite appeal due to the way the food is portrayed. For example, a beautiful photograph of luscious cream cheese would get your mouth watering in an instant! However, the artisanal cues of this package are just as provocative and successful. The almond illustration and the quality seal give you the confidence to believe that what’s inside is hand-crafted & delicious. The only thing I recommend is a LARGER flavor name so I’m not schmearing my cinnamon raisin bagel with chive cream cheese during my usual hectic morning routine.
I have to also say that I’m happy to support a responsible company too! Kite Hill uses non-GMO almonds sourced locally in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Also, Almond trees require a high water input, so their farmers use a mix of watering techniques that target all of the water at the tree. Any water that does not get used by the tree is “recycled” into the ground water and used again.
Way to go Kite Hill! Schmear on!